Evony Mod APK

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How to install Evony Mod APK?

1. Download the ZIP file.

2. Install the Split APKs Installer application

3. Open the application and click on "Install APKs".

4. Find the folder where the downloaded ZIP is located and select it.

5. Follow the steps that appear on the screen.

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How to install Evony Mod APK?

1. Download the ZIP file.

2. Install the Split APKs Installer application

3. Open the application and click on "Install APKs".

4. Find the folder where the downloaded ZIP is located and select it.

5. Follow the steps that appear on the screen.

What's new

Seventh Anniversary & Evony x Napoleon Collaboration kicks off!

The Anniversary Package Sale with super value return!

There is also a chance to earn the new Epic Historic General Napoleon (Prime)!
Participate in collaboration events for a chance to obtain General Skin:
Emperor - Napoleon (Prime), Bonaparte Castle - Imperial Capital decoration, Josephine's Unlock Item - Crown of Empress and the new Dragon - Fasolt!