Hello Trick Vilers, Today We bring to you another working free Browsing cheat using HTTP injector which is currently working well. Since the arrival of this tweak some persons have been finding it difficult to power it on their various devices, so that’s why we are here to make sure that everybody enjoys it now that it’s still working.
So far, we’ve talked about the latest cheat on Glo with Anonytun VPN and Stark VPN + Glo Jumbo Tricks, today, we’re going to see how to set up this free browsing on Glo using Http Injector and Tweakware
Just pay attention and follow the instructions religiously, for those who complained about glo unstable connection should give this one a try or root their phones for maximum experience.
- Name: Trickvile
- APN –
- IP –
- Port – 443 or 8081
- Username – jioq
- Pass – jioq
- Server –
Tweakware and HTTP Injector Settings
Let’s look at tweakware and http injector settings separately.
Tweakware Settings
- Download Tweakware from play store – HERE
- Download the beta file for this tweak – HERE
- Open your Tweakware app, click on SETTINGS on the top corner of your screen.
- Tap on Import Tweak
- After importing the file go back to your tweakware homepage, and underneath the Free Server – Auto Select, tap on the bar underneath it and select Custom .
- Hit the CONNECT button and wait for at least ten (10) seconds for it to connect.
If work for you which i know it’s impossible try this;
- After you click on SETTINGS on the top corner of your screen.
- Tap on Custom Tweak
- Select Connection Mode as HTTP
- Input 80 as the Server Port
- Type in in the Host Header
- Select Header Line Type as Multiline
- Then go back and tap CONNECT.
- Download Http Injector Here
- After that import the two [beta] file’s for this tweak
- After that On your http injector tick:data compression,
DNS, - Lastly, Set your local port to port 8080 in ssh setting’s.